Coffee Morning for a good cause!
Chollacott House recently held a coffee morning for a good cause! To raise funds for MacMillan Cancer support. They managed to raise £180. Well done to all the team!
Chollacott House recently held a coffee morning for a good cause! To raise funds for MacMillan Cancer support. They managed to raise £180. Well done to all the team!
Easter fun at Chollacott House with Easter eggs, cakes, sweets, treats, decorations and quizzes galore.
A special visitor took time out from his busy schedule to spend the afternoon with our lovely residents at Chollacott House.
Chollacott thoroughly enjoyed their garden party to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee with a lovely display of sunshine and decorations.
Chollacott House had the pleasure of ‘Arts On Call’ coming to visit them last week, which through lottery funding are able to come and perform to care homes free of charge.
Everyone had a wonderful time and really enjoyed it. It was such an engaging activity for everyone and lovely for staff and residents to bust out some dance moves!
Chollacott House have been busy with arts and crafts this week making poppies for their sea of poppies in the garden to celebrate Remembrance Sunday. It looks absolutely spectacular! Well done Dhimo and the residents of Chollacott House.
Residents and staff at Chollacott House in Tavistock got into the spirit of Halloween this weekend! Pumpkin carving, apple bobbing (Covid risk assessed) and plenty of sweet treats for all. Not to mention the fabulous costumes!
This has got to be one of our favourite days of the year! How wonderful to celebrate the Cream Tea, especially when in Devon. Chollacott House in Tavistock certainly got involved. Delicious!
This week we celebrated Pauline Coverley’s 101st birthday.It was her family’s wishes that we celebrated it this way. They all had a wonderful time. She had a piano cake as when she is bright enough to get out of bed she likes to sit at our piano and tinkle the ivories. Happy 101st! Pauline!
Gardening Club at Chollacott House in Tavistock! Lots of enthusiastic green fingered residents helping to prepare the pots to brighten up our gardens. Everybody thoroughly enjoyed themselves.