Family Fun at The Dove Tree Summer Fete

The Dove Tree House Fete was held on Saturday, a gloriously sunny day in Exeter. The day attracted around 70 people! Many current and past residents families came along, and we were also joined by our local Minister Simon Taylor. It was a fantastic family day, with picnic blankets covering the lawn, children running around, a lot of laughter, and a few Cowboys and Indians thrown in! Stalls included: Tombola, Hit the Bull off the target, hoop-a-cactus, bric-a-brac, raffle and BBQ. We raised a whopping £427.56 for the Dove Tree resident’s fund.

Fantastic work by the Exeter Dementia Action Alliance Continues

Stonehaven are proud to be a member of the Exeter Dementia Action Alliance (EDAA). Here Gina Awad explains how work continues in the local community in and around Exeter:


Blooming Garden at The Drake Unit, Tavistock

Chollacott House resident come garden designer, Louise, has transformed the garden at the Drake Unit. By carefully selecting plants, flowers, shrubs and trees, she has created a wonderful scented, colourful, and peaceful place for residents and their visitors to enjoy. Fruit trees, sunflowers, tomatoes, runner beans, courgettes, lilacs, lavender – are all thriving in this little suntrap, with a draped sail providing shade from the midday sun. She has also created a willow canopy over a pretty wooden bench, again offering shade and privacy. Thank you Louise!

Summer Fair at Dove Tree House

The Summer Fair at Dove Tree House, this year, has a Cowboy and Indian theme! Come along and join in the fun on Saturday 5th August between 3pm and 5.30pm. There will be a Cake Stall, Raffle, Bric-a-Brac, Birds of Prey, BBQ and a prize for the best dressed Cowboy or Indian. 88-91 Heavitree Road, Exeter EX1 2ND.

Tony Husband; Book Reading Event

As members of the Exeter Dementia Action Alliance, Stonehaven were invited to a book reading by Tony Husband, of his  book ‘Take Care, Son; The Story of My Dad and his Dementia.’ It was an extremely moving and beautifully illustrated account of his father’s experience of living with dementia.  Tony’s book is an important inclusion in the National Reading Well Dementia book collection. The event was hosted by EDAA member Stephens Scown solicitors, and we were all treated to a cream tea.

The book is available to buy through Amazon:






Work starts on St Petrocs’ Garden

The gardeners have been at St Petrocs in Bodmin this week, clearing the space outside the resident’s lounge. It has opened up the view of the garden and provided a large area for future development. We look forward to seeing the ‘after’ photos.

Make a Wish at The Manor

I love this tree! Staff and residents at The Manor have made it, and everyone is invited to write down their wish on an apple and add it to the tree. What a lovely idea!

Celebrating Father’s Day at The Manor

Celebrating Father’s Day on the hottest weekend of the year so far, residents, family and staff enjoyed the BBQing skills of Sandra L Wright, Manager of The Manor in Exminster. Did you burn the sausages, Sandra?

Care Home Open Day raises funds for residents activities

Chollacott House in Tavistock opened it’s doors to the public as part of the National Care Homes Open Day on Friday. Through cake sales and raffle tickets, they raised £135.50 for residents activities.

National Care Home Open Day – 16th June 2017

Our care homes will be opening their doors to the public on Friday 16th June, for coffee, cake, cream teas, raffles, bring and buy sales and so much more. You can pop along to any of our homes between 10am and 4pm, to join in the fun. For more information about the day, click on the below link: