Halloween fun at Kent House!

Manager at Kent House, Julie Smith having fun at Halloween with residents!

Rat Pack Pete performs at Primrose House

Rat Pack Pete’s performance at Primrose this month attracted over 20 residents. One of our ladies got up and took the stage to sing Frank Sinatra’s hit ‘My Way’. The lady in question was a professional singer and has sang to huge audiences in venues as big as the Albert Hall! She definitely still has that star quality!

Let’s Get Physical

Primrose House in Westward Ho! have recently introduced Move It Or Lose it exercise classes to their weekly activity programme. These are extremely popular, and the benefits to the residents physical and mental well being are great! The residents have all got stuck in and really enjoy these classes which are set to music.

Virtual Dementia Tour at Primrose House

As part of our ‘Dementia Awareness’ Open House at Primrose House on Thursday 1st November 2018, we have invited the Virtual Dementia Tour back to the home to provide guests and members of the local community the opportunty to get a glimpse of life as a Dementia sufferer. The VDT uses patented sensory tools and instruction based on research conducted by P.K. Beville, M.S., a specialist in geriatrics. During a Virtual Dementia Tour experience, trained facilitators guide participants outfitted with patented devices that alter their senses while they try to complete common everyday tasks and exercises. The Tour enables caregivers to experience for themselves the physical and mental challenges those with dementia face, and use the experience to provide better person-centered care.

The training is open to anyone with a link to the home, and will be Stonehaven funded. There are three sessions throughout the day:

9.30am – 12.00pm

12.15pm – 14.45pm

15.00pm – 17.15pm

To book your place on the VDT, please contact Emily Winslow on 01364 644208 or email: emilywinslow@stone-haven.co.uk

Ruth Celebrates her 100th Birthday at Donnington House

Ruth, one of our residents at Donnington House in Westward Ho! celebrated turning 100 years with a big birthday party at the home. Friends and family gathered together to enjoy live music from Bideford Massed Pipe and Drum Band – a real treat! Ruth loved receiving a letter from the Queen – all in all an amazing day. Congratulations Ruth!

Little Blackie visits our Westward Ho! homes

‘Little Blackie’ belongs to one of our carers, Tracy, and was a huge hit with the residents at Donnington & Primrose. One of our residents, Shaun,  use to be a jockey and absolutely loved meeting the horse and reminiscing about the days when he use to ride and work in the stables. For another resident, Lesley,  it was the first time he had every stroked a horse – despite living near the burrows and seeing horses every day of his life he had never actually got close to one!


Cardboard Boat Race! Westward Ho!

Over the summer, our Westward Ho! homes, Donnington and Primrose, took part in the Cardboard Boat Race as part of the Bideford Regatte. The boat did amazingly well, completing over two-thirds of the course before it began to sink! Terry did a fantastic job with the design and the construction of the boat. We came home with the award for the best decorated boat – well done to the residents who painted the decorations – it truly was a team effort! £120 was raised for the residents’ fund whch will go torward even more fun and entertainment!Cardboard Boat Race - Westward Ho! Cardboard Boat Race - Westward Ho!

Intergenerational Learning at St Petrocs

Many of our residents love spending time with young people – drawing, colouring, playing dominoes, etc . We can really see the benefits of intergenerational learning at work –  learning with each other and from one another. You are never too old to enjoy colouring in! At St Petrocs, our home in Bodmin, one of our care team members occasionally brings her children into work, where they enjoy mixing with the residents and engaging them in a variety of activties. This is particularly special for those residents whose own families live far away, and who don’t get to spend as much quality time with their grandchildren as perhaps they would like. This is something that Stonehaven homes actively encourage.

At Cross Park House in Brixham we have teamed up with local child minders who will bring their young people into the home once a week for fun, play, singing and movement. Research shows that when planned effectively, formal programs that promote connectedness between young and old have proven benefits not just for the children and older adults participating but more widely, for the communities involved.

Intergenerational Learning at St Petrocs, BodminIntergenerational Learning at St Petrocs, BodminIntergenerational Learning at St Petrocs, Bodmin

Musicians entertain at St Petrocs

A Group of very talented 14-18 year olds from Music Works, a Chamber Music Group were touring Cornwall and offered St Petrocs a free concert.  The quartets performed various repertoire of classical music, which was enjoyed by the Residents, they loved it! I am not sure how they stumbled across St Petrocs, it was a telephone call that came out of nowhere – but we were so glad they found us!!

Music Works visit St Petrocs, Bodmin Music Works visit St Petrocs, Bodmin Music Works visit St Petrocs, Bodmin

St Petrocs Summer Fayre

The St Petrocs Summer Fayre was a great family afternoon, with cakes aplenty, and raised £220.74 for charity.