
Happy 100th Birthday, Pauline!

Chollacott House has been lucky enough today to celebrate another resident become a Centurion. Pauline Coverly enjoyed a social distancing 100th birthday celebration with her family. She had a thoroughly wonderful time under the circumstances.


Chollacott House's Pauline celebrates her 100th birthday Chollacott House's Pauline celebrates her 100th birthday Chollacott House's Pauline celebrates her 100th birthday Chollacott House's Pauline celebrates her 100th birthday

VE Day Celebrations at Chollacott House

Chollacott House VE day cupcakes Chollacott House 2 minutes silence Chollacott House 2 minutes silenceStaff and residents came together in the lounge to observe the 2 minute silence and then had tea and cakes followed by a fun game of balloon bat and ball in very patriotic colours whilst listening to and singing along to Dame Vera Lynne.

Chollacott at Night

I love this image of Chollacott House at night with the beautiful rainbow, painted by staff and residents, lit up as a symbol of thanks to our NHS and to all key workers during these challenging times.

Painting Rainbows at Chollacott House

Dhimo, our fabulous Activities Coordinator at Chollacott House in Tavistock, got residents busy painting the most beautiful rainbow this weekend, to let everyone know they are keeping safe. Chollacott house residents painting

Happy 100th Birthday, Peter!

Peter turned 100 today! And what a wonderful celebration the staff at Chollacott House in Tavistock put on for him! An amazing cake, champagne, an enormous balloon. and of course, a card from The Queen. Such a shame that his family, who had planned to travel from Canada to be with him today, couldn’t join in with the party in person, but a Skype call in planned for this evening. Happy Birthday Peter from all of us at Stonehaven. Congratulations!!Chollacott houses Peter turns 100!Happy 100th birthday Peter in Chollacott houseHappy Birthday Peter from all of us at Stonehaven

Chollacott Residents find their Creative Mojo

Residents at Chollacott House in Tavistock enjoyed an art class on Monday afternoon, delivered by ‘Creative Mojo’. Everyone painted an individual butterfly which were all put together at the end of the session, to create a beautiful work of art, now on display in the conservatory. Chollacott Residents find their Creative Mojo - Butterflies Artwork

A day on the beach at Chollacott House!

Friday, saw Chollacott House in Tavistock transformed into a beach, complete with sand, buckets & spades, kites and crabs! Residents were able to feel that sand between their toes, and play beach games, many from the comfort of their deck chairs. Staff and residents enjoyed ice-cream and fish and chips. Such a wonderful idea!

Chollacott House in Tavistock transformed into a beach!
Chollacott House in Tavistock transformed into a beach!
Chollacott House in Tavistock transformed into a beach!
Chollacott House in Tavistock resident enjoying ice cream!

Hendra Farm visit Chollacott House

Hendra Farm brought an amazing selection of animals to visit staff and residents at Chollacott House in Tavistock. The residents absolutely loved the experience. I’m not sure I would have been quite so enthusiastic about having a snake on my lap!

Hendra Farm visit Chollacott House
Hendra Farm visit Chollacott House
Hendra Farm visit Chollacott House
Hendra Farm visit Chollacott House
Hendra Farm visit Chollacott House
Hendra Farm visit Chollacott House


New Manager at Chollacott & Drake

Chollacott House and the Drake Unit in Tavistock, have a new manager! Having comprehensively seen off some experienced external competition, we are really pleased to have appointed Barbara Kader to the position of Care Home Manager. Barbara has worked at Chollacott House for over 20 years. We all wish her the very best in her new hard-earned position.

Coffee Morning at Chollacott House

Wonderful to see so many people (and cakes!) at the Chollacott House coffee morning earlier today. Thank you, Barbara and team, for organising such a successful event.Chollacott Coffee Morning