Is a progressive neurological condition. The loss of nerve cells in the brain causes the symptoms of Parkinson’s to appear. Body movement becomes slower so it takes longer to do things, like walking and talking. Our dedicated team of carers are trained to recognise symptoms and assist residents in the management of them, some of whom may require one-to-one 24 hour care.
Depending on the care needs of each individual resident we can offer a passive or more intense physiotherapy programme to improve strength and mobility together with speech and language therapy and special diets for those with swallowing difficulties.
The Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease: The main symptoms of Parkinson’s are tremor, rigidity and slowness of movement. As well as affecting movement, people with Parkinson’s can find that other issues, such as tiredness, pain, depression and constipation, can have an impact on their day-to-day lives. The symptoms someone has and how quickly the condition develops will differ from one person to the next.
The Drake Unit team work closely with the residents’ GP and assessment teams, so you or your loved one are receiving the best possible care fully coordinated with multi-disciplinary support teams.