Dementia is not a single illness but a group of symptoms caused by damage to the brain and no two cases of Dementia are the same. The symptoms include: memory loss, such as remembering past events much more easily than recent ones, problems thinking or reasoning, or finding it hard to follow conversations or TV programmes, feeling anxious, depressed or angry about memory loss, or feeling confused, even when in a familiar environment. Dementia invariably engages the whole family emotionally especially when the sufferer is otherwise physically well and has fluctuating levels of confusion.
The build and design of our specialist Drake Unit in Devon was with Dementia in mind. All features of this modern accommodation aim to make the life of the resident easier and more comfortable (see earlier introduction section on Stonehaven’s Drake Unit Dementia Care for further details).
The Drake Unit’s Dementia Care is based on current research and continuous staff training. Regular assessment of the resident ensures person-centred care at all times.
Other care homes in the Stonehaven Group that specialist dementia care are: