Stonehaven homes secure CQUIN certificate and are rewarded with a boost to their residents funds!

In recent months Torbay Care Trust has run a quality assessment for providers of residential care for older people in the Torbay Area. The scheme was voluntary and invited care providers to submit evidence that their operations met a number of important ‘care standards’ as dictated by the Care Trust. Following submission of evidence and assessments of submissions Stonehaven Healthcare Ltd is delighted that its two residential care homes, Cross Park and Frensham House, were two of the 38 homes in the area to be awarded CQUIN status.

In total 41 care homes submitted applications, this represents 36% of the local market. 28 passed outright (including both Cross Park and Frensham House), 10 passed ‘with conditions’ and 3 failed to achieve the necessary standards.

Whilst the care homes, and the company, are delighted by the simple fact that the Cross Park and Frensham House have achieved this endorsement there was also a financial incentive of about £1,000.00 per care home. This ‘reward money’ has been allocated by the company to each homes residents fund to be spent as the residents and care team see fit.

So, great care delivered and a thousand pounds to spend.

Kent House Celebrates the Royal Wedding

Kent House in Okehampton celebrated the Royal Wedding in style!

The home was adorned in Union Jack bunting, and flags were flown by everyone, including resident Beatrice Smith, seen here having a wonderful time! Residents donned their favourite hats, sipped pimms and enjoyed cucumber and salmon sandwiches and Cream Teas. Following the wedding, the party got into full swing with a prize draw and competition for the best hat, won by May, who was presented with a Royal Wedding mug – what else!

It really was a day to remember.

New ‘Drake Unit’ at Chollacott

The Drake Unit – Opening Event 9th September

Don’t miss the opening of the Drake Unit at Chollacott House on Thursday 9th Sepetmber from 2.30pm, Judi Spiers, BBC Broadcaster and the Mayor of Tavistock will officially open the unit, and we will be conducting tours and serving cream teas throughout the afternoon. The celebration of the opening will commence at 7pm with the fabulous Half Quartet Jazz Band, Hog Roast and local ale.

We would love you to join us. For further information and to receive an invite, please contact Emily Winslow 01364 644208 or