Happy 100th Birthday, Pauline!

Chollacott House has been lucky enough today to celebrate another resident become a Centurion. Pauline Coverly enjoyed a social distancing 100th birthday celebration with her family. She had a thoroughly wonderful time under the circumstances.


Chollacott House's Pauline celebrates her 100th birthday Chollacott House's Pauline celebrates her 100th birthday Chollacott House's Pauline celebrates her 100th birthday Chollacott House's Pauline celebrates her 100th birthday

VE Day lunch at The Manor

VE Day lunch at The Manor

St Petrocs VE Day Celebrations

St Petrocs - VE Day Celebrations St Petrocs - VE Day Residents dancing St Petrocs - VE Day Celebrations

VE Day Drive-by at Bluebell House

What a wonderful way to celebrate VE Day at Bluebell House in Westward Ho! All of the staff and residents came out of the home at 2pm, to wave to friends and family who drove slowly past. The weather was perfect, flags were flying, ice-cream and lemonade served and some great music played. A truly emotional day for all.Bluebell House - VE Day Driveby! Bluebell House - VE Day Driveby! Bluebell House - VE Day Driveby! Bluebell House - VE Day Driveby! Bluebell House - VE Day Driveby!

And more celebrating, at Dove Tree House!

The perfect day to be in the garden at Dove Tree House in Exeter, for VE Day celebrations! Amazing food and drink, some great fancy dress and a beautiful cake. Much fun was had!VE celebrations for Dove Tree House in Exeter VE celebrations for Dove Tree House in Exeter VE Day celebrations at Dove Tree House in Exeter VE celebrations for Dove Tree House in Exeter VE Day celebrations at Dove Tree House Exeter

VE Day at Cross Park House

VE Day at Cross Park House VE Day at Cross Park House VE Day at Cross Park HouseVE Day at Cross Park House VE Day at Cross Park House

VE Day Celebrations at Chollacott House

Chollacott House VE day cupcakes Chollacott House 2 minutes silence Chollacott House 2 minutes silenceStaff and residents came together in the lounge to observe the 2 minute silence and then had tea and cakes followed by a fun game of balloon bat and ball in very patriotic colours whilst listening to and singing along to Dame Vera Lynne.

75th Anniversary VE Day Celebrations

Our homes will be celebrating the 75th Anniversary of VE Day today. We have parties planned and a special drive-by in Westward Ho! of families and friends giving a big wave to residents of Bluebell House. We have received so many generous donation of food and drink, to make our celebrations even more memoarble. I look forward to seeing the photographs! Have a great day, all!

Thank you, John Moyes Family!

What a gorgeous selection of cheese and pickles, crisps and snacks, delivered to The Manor in Exminster as a thank you to all the staff. So much appreciated!

Chollacott at Night

I love this image of Chollacott House at night with the beautiful rainbow, painted by staff and residents, lit up as a symbol of thanks to our NHS and to all key workers during these challenging times.